The Lord is leading me into a focus on the battlefield of the mind-- the final frontier...
In 2Corinthians 10:3 we read, "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh."
If more people could pin
the tail on the real donkey and understand why Jesus exclaimed "Forgive
them Father, for they know not what they do"... mankind is under the
prince and power of the air's influence. As seekers of God, it is
important to seek the difference in that man can activate thoughts by
God or the enemy into the flesh. One brings forth the Kingdom of God,
and one aligns with the accuser of the brethren.
Let me back this up though
because my heart is to exhort and teach believers, but why not include
even a person that is in denial about God? A person that says... "I
looked for God but He never showed up"? Wow, that's the best and most
noticeable situation to be in... IF you are sincerely looking for
answers. The devil doesn't want you to make a decision for Jesus...
perhaps all the other times you looked, the devil cleverly talked you
out of how God was answering your prayers or speaking to you. Now is
the time to Pay Attention to your thought life.
After I went through a
generational deliverance session... I was amazed how quiet my noggin
was! I used to have tons of thoughts always racing through my mind...
always judging others... constant daydreams playing our scenarios of
'what to do next' or 'what should I have done' in past situations. I
hadn't realized how scatterbrained I had been... how much overtime my
mind was doing, processing so many things at once.
Some time after I renounced
all the sins that granted all that extra chatter in my head via the
sins of my forefathers... I was viewing an online exhibition of Tibetan
artwork. I was viewing the most horrid multi-armed, fang-faced,
knife-wielding, blood-thirsty statue and I heard.... "Oh, it's
beautiful" in my head. HELLO... not my thought... no way.... no how!
I encourage you to get
scientific in your pursuit about discerning your thought life. Even
those of you that have received Jesus as Lord and Savior... do what
the scripture says about holding everything captive. (2Corinthians
10:5-6 “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth
itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every
thought to the obedience of Christ; And having in a readiness to revenge
all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.”) Go through one
day with a hand-held recorder and speak these random thoughts & then
by the end of the day you'll be able to identify what you know was
You... vs. what was maybe a lightening bolt kind of thought that popped
into your head and you are unsure. Then consider the thought. If you
have premonitions about things... know that the enemy could be sending
those as well... that is a grey area the enemy likes to use as
counterfeiting the prophetic in Yeshua. I want to bring that up so you
don't end up as operating as a psychic. If you are seeking a
relationship with Jesus above all else, He will keep you.... if you seek
after hidden knowledge apart from Jesus and not inquiring with Him...
you've got an open door for receiving information from familiar spirits,
i.e. demons.
Obvious thoughts..... you
will find blatant judgmental thoughts, crude thoughts, perverse
ones....(Mark 7:22, Romans 1:29) These thoughts oppose God... these are
not you... these are the dead-ringers, the give-a-ways to the enemies
devises. You can agree with these thoughts and make them your own. You
can come into agreement with these thoughts and if a sin is welcome in
your'll always think it's you. Ever agreed that you're
ugly? This is not from you... God says 'you were fearfully and
wonderfully made' (Psalm 139:14) --and guess what, He's not a liar.
If a thought has birthed an
action into sin by you and you find you have no conscience that it is
contrary to God... it's because you have embraced it. If you have
embraced it but feel bad about it from time to time... consider the Holy
Spirit is trying to drag you out of that pit you've dug for yourself.
The enemy does not like to be exposed... if you do not feel complete
freedom in this supposed sin, if you have shame... look up, Jesus loves
you, and you can be free. If you can begin to say (Rom 7:15 ) "I do not
understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I
hate I do"....and then monitor yourself, you'll begin to see the war
that is going on in your mind.
One of the biggest
mind-trips the enemy does is in getting you to birth sin from that
initial thought. Then, condemns you into thinking there is no
forgiveness, no escape from that pit. And this is where overcomers
shine... when that condemning thought enters your mind, when that
sinful thought enters in.... an overcomer is one that recognizes the
source, takes it captive saying "devil, I know it's you!" --- believing
the word of God you speak, "I can do all things through Christ who
strengthens me." -- or scripture of your choice. Binding that thought,
command it to the pit, or the footstool of Jesus, and speak the
opposite of what the devil was pushing in that thought from the word of
God.... using that sharp sword. Example: The devil says "You remember
last week you were so rotten... you screwed up so many times... you
don't learn from your mistakes... you're just a hypocrite...", and on
and on. RIGHT THERE is the doorway... what are you going to do with
that thought? Well let me tell you... you recall the scriptures and
target it just like Jesus used the Word of God against satan in the
desert. You say, "excuse me devil... if anyone sins, we have an
Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous; and He Himself is
the propitiation for my sins" (1John 2:1-2). If you get attacked with a
sexual thought.... "no devil, my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit."
Are you seeing how to take captive and combat? The Word of God is our
foundation... you seek it, you read it, you implement it and it builds
every part of the armor of God (Eph 6:11).
So I've kind of
transitioned over to discerning thoughts for the believer in Jesus, but I
want to say, there are many christians out there that receive Jesus but
do not understand the importance of paying attention to our thought
life. They think receiving Jesus is enough and allow these terrible
thoughts to manifest as terrible sins against fellow brothers and
sisters in the Lord.
The biggest warning I have
is that the devil will put in your mind a spirit of self-justification.
This is a 'religious spirit'. Remember keep your friends close, but
your enemies closer? Well a religious spirit is one that twists the
Word of God... like Eve dealt with in the Garden. The base of it is
spiritual... the enemy latches on to your bad self and gets you to
justify the sin. Gossip goes unheeded on our radars because... 'oh,
that person is sinning-- it's okay to EXpose sin'. Backbiting goes
unheeded BEcause... 'they didn't return my book, therefore they aren't a
person of their word'. Attack of character based on doctrinal belief
differences.... 'because after all, if you don't believe what I do, you
must be a damned sinner because I know God talks to me, so you must be
listening to the devil...' This is the most dangerous stuff to
entertain because christians open up their hearts to other christians
and the wounds can be so deep as believers attack other believers....
the devil's favorite weapon of choice.... the same spirit that killed
If you have a negative
thought of a brother or sister in the Lord... if during this teaching
your head has been a bed of mumbles railing against me... just stop
& see it for what it is. Stop and pray for that person... you are
having those thoughts because the enemy wants to use you as a weapon.
The devil doesn't want you to free... doesn't want you to be an
overcomer... c'mon and prove him eternally wrong!
Need some 'fighting scripture' to secure who you are in Christ Jesus? Good link:
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