Q: How does one receive healing prayers?
A: A very short question…I'm not sure of what angle this question was presented, but I will suggest many things….
1.) Position your heart for healing
….healing only happens by faith. Sometimes its by the faith of the one doing the praying & sometimes the recipient, but we know one of the 2 has to have faith! We know that "faith comes by hearing & hearing by the Word…" (Romans 10:17), so get in the Word to gain faith for the healing.
2.) Conform to Christ Jesus
… .another imploring to read the Word. We have to believe what the Word says to be an heir of it. No matter the topic…but since this is healing…gather up healing scriptures like these:
3.) Praise & worship
....let the excitement cross over into adoration…anticipation of the promised truth…after all, HE is Worthy! Praise attracts God’s presence. He is drawn to where He is welcomed. If 'by His stripes we are healed', then we can fixate on how we'd be Praising Him for the manifestation of the healing. So start now!
4.) Relationship
…. just a moment ago the Lord gave me a lil' vision for you… He showed me an invited stranger bursting into a formally seated banquet & demanding healing. No, it doesn't work that way….first are introductions, gratefulness for being invited….giving the host a gift (your heart) and then casual talking & mingling….. and so on. Sometimes we need to put on God's shoes & apply what we know of Him==knowing His terms, what He expects & then apply to how we like to be treated etc.
It's like getting an invitation to a scavenger hunt with the promised reward of a pot of gold. We can stand there and demand our gold all day long, but the prize only comes in following the instruction (the Word)…going from clue to clue to the end…whilst the demanding fool had the same opportunity, but gets nothing by belligerently standing there.
….but back to the banquet scenario:
….If we gave an invitation to all, we'd still expect to get to know people in relationship. Someone barreling in demanding---even if the Word says we are heir….LOL, we have to act like heirs, not vigilantes! It's how love is proven. We can't only go the motions to get something…real love is give and take, sacrifice & surrender.
5.) Asking others to pray for you
….but really WITH you as you are pressing in, in relationship with God. Hey, it's biblical!
This can be within your church fellowship/family and beyond.
I created a forum to encourage group interaction... you can post a request on the forum at: theironsmiths.com |
There are people that naturally have the 'gift of healing'… seeking those types out if they visit your area or to go visit them….(the laying on of hands type of thing), is definitely an option as well. Just pray to God and listen to what He impresses upon you to do. To hop from healing evangelist to the next as a 'groupie' more than pressing in to God isn't so much 'relationship building' with the one who is the source of all healing, a? Perhaps God will tell you "No.", about getting prayer that route, but rest assured His way is the best way.
6.) Perseverance
….He wants all the souls. He wants us eternally. We don't want to be as a beggar that rejects the mansion for the immediate handout, so the process is a refining one. The goal isn't in getting our healing & then move on… what we go through becomes the testimonial to encourage those that WE will then lay hands on to recover.
7.) Believe!
We are to heal the sick, raise the dead and deliver in His name, in the 'big picture', so while you are pressing in for yourself, start RIGHT NOW, in practicing the truth. If we decide we won't take up those promises until we are healed, the enemy will target that lie, and healing may never come because of 'conditions' we've placed upon God. But, if we focus and implement the truth in believing for others, we are fueling faith and our own healing shall not be far off!