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picture: http://www.flickr.com/photos/boomya/3150539541/ |
(In bible days the guys wore the dress-type garb... so anytime they'd get ready to do big labor, they'd gather up the loose-hanging parts above their knees, fastening it to belt around their waist.---so 'gird up your loins')
So too, we must gather up and fasten anything up; anything potentially impeding our freedom to follow Jesus when we are getting ready to 'dig in'. Where do we find truth? The bible, of course.
2. breastplate of righteousness...
The breastplate covers the heart... more than 'righteous acts'... even sinners can do those... but it's a condition of the heart...sincerity to seek to be holy as He is holy.
3. shoes of peace...
We know we must bear good fruit in being peaceable...in turning the cheek... but we must also be willing to MOVE (shoes) when He impresses us to share the gospel. This speaks of obedience.
4. shield of faith...
You want the shield? You get your 'faith on'. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God... nuff said.
5. helmet of salvation...
Doing what the Word says.... 'taking every thought captive'. Helmet is also called 'the hope of salvation' (1 Thes. 5:8)-- so a consistent and positive hope...in the Word of God, of course. Love hopes all things, believes all things...love never fails...
6. sword of spirit - word of God...
Version used for 'word' is 'rhema' in the greek= 'spoken word'. So, actively using it when attacks come.
Many people promote suiting up with an 'Armor of God' prayer every day, but we have to be careful that it doesn't turn into a nice 'magic pill' prayer, LOL. Again, I'm emphasizing a lifestyle of change and conformity over rote prayers!
... But really... if we're sincerely seeking God... and realizing that He said it's simple, in that a child could 'get it', we just need to pray earnestly, get in His Word and have relationship with Him... and as we do those basic foundational things... we begin to change and conform to His image.
I look at each one above and it simplifies as such:
1. Get in the Word,
2. Seek earnestly to be holy,
3. Be obedient,
4. Trust/faith makes us stand firm,
5. No matter how things appear, or what we are told...we will believe the Word above all,
6. If everything above is in motion...we confidently can speak the Word and just like Jesus speaking it to shut satan down in the desert, suddenly we move from defense to offense.
See how it is kind of a process as well? Some people only go so far... only read the Word, but don't desire to commune with God... so when trial comes they can't hold the shield up because they don't 'trust', and so on...
We need to make it all a lifestyle... if any part is missing we aren't effective because there is a measure of 'fear' of potential wounding there---fear of defeat. But, having it all with the sword, we actually advance! The ones that are properly equipped in all this are the ones that shall 'do greater works than these'!!
Are You excited??? !!!