Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Unwelcome Idols

A person shared great concern with me, in that a relative went on vacation and came back with a phallic statue.  They shared that they tried to tell them that the item might be cursed or have a spirit on it, but they were laughed at and it was clear that they weren't taken seriously and that family member just didn't care.

This scenario speaks to many of us doesn't it?  It's especially hard for those that live under the same roof as unbelieving family, where you don't get to 'call the shots' of what stays and goes. Darkness is everywhere isn't it?  So what can we do?

Remember we have 'Trump'...
Courtesy forum member: Phil.3:8 @ hearingGod.proboards.com

No matter the cards played in real life... we always have 'trump' in those cards that no one can see.  So, we must cover ourselves and declare those idols have no power over us.  WE have authority in Jesus.

"But I have to warn them"...

It is our duty to share the gospel and share God's truth, but remember…if you shove stuff down unspirit-filled people's throats, they WILL just laugh & think we are irrational…especially if we are demanding, panicky, etc.  Jesus didn't 'flip out' when dining with sinners because He loved the people despite the grip that satan had on their lives; and it's that love that conquers.
"Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do..." Luke 23:34
If we become so concerned that we go overboard in our 'warning', that just shows that we have fear in US.  If we know our authority in Him, we have nothing to fear…. if we know we have 'trump', we can confidently bind that thing up from any witchcraft operation in our presence.  We can ask the Lord to educate our family or friends as we pray for their salvation and know that what we've prayed has set in motion the demise of these veritable 'dagons' in our presence.

Having done all things, STAND...

Not being the owner... we may just have to pass by these idols for some unpleasant time.  Don't be discouraged though... see the blessing in it, that it causes you to call on God every time you see it!  Every time I see an image or something I know is of the enemy, I just speak to it:  'the blood of Jesus stands against you'!

Remember HE is bigger… 

Remember, 'dagon' fell & your prayers are powerful… so let's pray!
We expose the enemy from operation in our family in the name of Jesus.  We call those idols out and declare them powerless. Jesus, we align with Your truth in that You are our Lord and we honor no 'gods' before You!  We do not receive any idolatrous images that oppose You and we uphold Your truth! 
Lord God, in dreams, in visions, in print, in sound….in all things we declare revelation of the enemy's devices to my family.  We ask for Your patience and mercy upon them and encouragement for me in standing with You.  We declare that they will see and know the truth and we pray they choose life in You, AMEN!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Let Them Go

When praying for those we love, but are unsaved, the hardest thing to do sometimes is to let them go.  We think of 'how can I witness?', 'what seeds can I plant?', 'what can I do?'  But, it's not about us & what we think we can do...it's best when we entrust them unto the Lord.

We can't look at our loved ones vices, issues, faults and pray controlling prayers.
If we are not careful, our prayers of what WE WANT can even operate as witchcraft--->
Example: "I command that dead-beat boyfriend to leave in the name of Jesus."
We can, however, speak prophetically using the Word of truth over people, really speaking life that you might live...
"The hand of the Lord was upon me, and he brought me out in the Spirit of the Lord and set me down in the middle of the valley; it was full of bones. And he led me around among them, and behold, there were very many on the surface of the valley, and behold, they were very dry. And he said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” And I answered, “O Lord God, you know.” Then he said to me, “Prophesy over these bones, and say to them, O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord. Thus says the Lord God to these bones: Behold, I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live."  Ezekiel 37:1-10
The best place to start, however is in handing them over to Him.  They aren't YOUR yoke, right?  So let's commit to first give them to Him:

"Lord, I am not their Savior, I didn't die on a cross for them…You did….and so now i give them over to your care… I trust You and know You love them even more than I." Amen!


Friday, June 7, 2013

Is Being in a Relationship with Someone Before Marriage Okay?

Q:   Is Being in a Relationship with Someone Before Marriage Okay?

My 2 cents....
It's very healthy to 'hang out', to do things together. To really get to know the person that 'might be the one'.

You've heard me say before…"don't go down dark alleys"…. well, that's how it is when you're in that limbo state before marriage.  And we know the concern here is sexual temptation...

By now, you should know your weaknesses and things that could push you over the edge. 
For some, holding hands or even kissing 'hello' & 'bye' are nothing big.  It may not be an issue with you, but the other factor is 'what are his/her weaknesses?' 

One thing you have to hold onto is that you have to be the 'strong one'.  You can't expect him/her to be strong against temptation etc.

Back to "don't go down dark alleys"… 

This is putting yourself or your girl/guy friend in a place of temptation.  Communication from the very beginning is the best investment in your relationship.  Be mature and talk about this subject together... it's much easier to be on the same page of desiring to be pure. 

Watching out for 'traps'...

Picking a movie heavy-laden with sex or lust in it. Meeting in private settings. Alcohol, drugs (LOL… well, I gotta put that in there)--deadened senses can have you in a trap before you know it!  For girls… provocative clothing (going swimming might be better done with your girlfriends).  And I mentioned holding hands & kissing… again... can be no big deal…but a monitor on the types of 'touch' are important…. because we know very well that one thing can lead to another, so mutually set your boundary, else you'll be justifying the next trap and the next... and satan will have you saying 'but that's not sex' and perverse, lustful or whatever spirits enter in to harm your relationship. Massage, holding around the waist, stroking his/her back or hair… these are potential danger zones.

The safe zone...

One really good suggestion that keeps you in a 'safe zone' is to go out with other friends as a group, or family…or just doing everything very public.  It's absolutely the best suggestion I have for you.  Make no 'secret places' for sin to get a toe in...
Luke 11: 33-34
“No one, after lighting a lamp, puts it away in a cellar nor under a basket, but on the lampstand, so that those who enter may see the light. The eye is the lamp of your body; when your eye is clear, your whole body also is full of light; but when it is bad, your body also is full of darkness."


One more thing... be careful as you progress in your relationship.  Don't get trapped in pleasing society, parents etc.... go by what feels right in your relationship with God.  Thinking "I've got to have this and that, before I get married," can be putting a bulls-eye on your relationship.  Long engagements as required by a church or because it's what Mom and Dad did or expect... or fear of shame in going to the Justice of Peace and declaring your covenant before God (as if it were not valid).. take these things captive and speak with God and your mate for the real solution.
True, there is self control to be learned in the pre-covenant stage, but realizing that circumstances need not be 'storybook'-- that unrealistic expectations can become more of a cage then real preparation, is key.

Raiding the cookie jar...

Never... I repeat, NEVER pledge a covenant to make having sex 'okay'.  I can't tell you how many ruined relationships I come across because of this. Remember the lamp stand scripture above?  Make the commitment public... make it a celebration and then enjoy the perks.  If you raid all the chocolate chips from the cookie dough before you bake it, you'll wreck the cookie! "Secrecy" points to decisions based on Lust.

If you did screw it up (a very common blunder these days), know that satan has a doorway wherever there is sin... EVEN IF you have premarital sex AND THEN get married... you still have to break the evil soul ties that entered in that moment you turned from the truth.  They don't magically 'right' themselves and will plague your marriage until you confess the sin and make it right in Christ Jesus.

Being free...

If you do head towards "With this ring, I thee Wed"...focusing on the heart of what pledging yourself to another is about, and then committing to honor it is far greater than the fancy wedding, the dream honeymoon, etc. If you've spent your 'dating'/healthy relationship time in pursuing God in equal yoking, being transparent in communication and doing what's best for 'your other', you'll have set a solid foundation for the blessing unto the thousandth generation!

"..and showing covenant faithfulness to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments." Exodus 20:6 (NET Bible)