Monday, December 20, 2010

When 'Spirits' Manifest Through People

What is really happening when people fight, antagonize or verbally wound us?  In Ephesians 6:11-12 we are told that we need to put on the full armor of God so that we will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil… and then in verse 12 it gives us more understanding of what the enemy's main scheme is.

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places."
 Ephesians 6:12

When 'flesh and blood' attacks us, recognize a spirit is attacking you through the individual.  Does it matter if it's a professing Christian and they use scriptures in their heated pursuit? Or a Pastor or church leader of xx amount of years?  No.  Wasn't Peter even susceptible to aligning with a wrong spirit to receive strong rebuke from our Lord? (Mat 16:23, Mar 8:33)

Putting on the armor of God has to become a lifestyle.
As I teach my children, I have described to them how most Christians put on the armor, but then stand there instead of advancing up the hill and actually wielding their sword.

What then are we, as Kings and Priests unto the Lord to do?  Act like it!  We have to get in the mindset that we are not dealing with the person, but the spirit that is influencing the person... and now ensues the silent battle...

Privately begin to forbid (bind) it from operating in your presence (King/Priest, remember?).  Thus begins the advance up the hill. What is IT, you say?  Well, out of the mouth, the heart speaks… so pinpoint the spirit by it's tell-tale assault. Is it rooted in pride, jealousy, anger/rage, gossip…etc.?  If you truly desire to grow in discerning spirits, pray and ask for more of this gift and then pay attention as the Holy Spirit will be nudging your spirit to walk in it.

Remember, we can bind, but casting is more suited for an agreed deliverance kind of situation, because if a person doesn't have Jesus in there…

"Then it says, 'I will return to my house from which I came'; and when it comes, it finds it unoccupied, swept, and put in order.  Then it goes and takes along with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there; and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first. That is the way it will also be with this evil generation." 
Matthew 12:44-45

For our more 'sudden situation' example you more than likely do not have permission (especially when dealing with unbelievers), nor time to bring understanding to the situation.  Therefore, bind what affects you.  If it's a brother or sister in the Lord, you can give greater revelation to the situation later (Romans 12:18)… a person that is sorrowful regarding their behavior (as opposed to justifying it), is probably searching for deliverance from a cycle they can't break or just in repentance over a moment of weakness  anyways!  As you continue to live a Holy life others will be drawn to repentance.  They will want to know "How do you do it?"… and the open door for forgiveness, cleansing, or deliverance-- you, might have the honor to lead them through.

Spiritual 'Manifestation' example:  I've heard many a testimony where a rapist would be ready to strike and the believing woman would be either silently or verbally dealing with the spirit motivating the attack unto victory on her behalf.

What about that gossiper that makes you cringe?  In 'life', we can't run and hide… especially when they might be in our own family.  Use your authority in power by the name of Jesus, and scriptures that the Holy Spirit gives you--- all in the privacy of your own mind  : )

Remember the authority you have in the name of Yeshua/Jesus!

Beware, this is not a 'method'.
Speaking it or reciting it through the halls of your mind mean nothing if you are not, at the same time, learning to completely trust and believe the scripture you are saying/thinking is indeed the truth.   That, my friend, is the place we are heading.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Betrayed, the Pawn and the Source

Ever get stuck in a rut of trusting people and then getting betrayed; then starting to heal and letting your guard down only to be betrayed again?  This painful cycle pushes many to shut down and close the shell but we have to learn that the more anointing we have the more the enemy notices & if people have a door of access.... the enemy knows that the ones closest to us are the ones to target the most.  So... get used to it.

Some of it is a maturity thing as well.  We have to grow in discernment.  Are we finding our fulfillment in telling the Lord everything and conversing with Him, or do we lack a bit of trust and find ourselves feeding our pearls to swine?  Do we use our pearls to get attention? Ouch!

As we grow in the anointing, however, we need to be on our toes and be 'bigger' than offenses.  The enemy loves to break up relationships simply because it is in the foundation of his fall because: "Where 2 or 3 are gathered, I AM there in the midst".  It's just like in the scary movies… why does that one always break off from the group and go alone? We need to put our spiritual glasses on and see what the enemy is doing & that it's not the people attacking us, but in their weak spots... it's the enemy.  Sure the people agree with that wrong spirit ... but they are currently blind to what they are doing-- forgive them, they know not what they do.  

I often tell my elder son, "honey, it takes 2 to be in a fight and you're older and 'know better', I expect you to be the mature one and let this thing go to keep the peace."  So in that, can you also see that if God is raising you up, yet your attacker is more of a babe, Father God does expect more of you as well.  Hand that pain over to Him, sit at His footstool and learn to discern.  As time grows you'll realize His Spirit was warning you and giving you discernment as to be more clear so the enemy wouldn't come in to twist things… was warning you not to divulge certain things to certain people because they are weak in an area; was warning you it was a pearl given to you and ONLY for you. (Kudos to journaling…. if you haven't started, hop to it…. some things you learn from HISTORY, and if you don't record your history…. you better have an amazing memory LOL!)

So if this is indeed a recurring cycle, know the enemy is having a great time with your REACTION.  Ever hear the phrase "Go round that mountain one more time, sweet Jesus"?  The cycle persists because 'IT WORKS'!  Perhaps you are looking at the person & your anger, hurt, & caving in etc. is directed towards them.  So you need to shift how you are seeing all of this... if the person is a pawn (which they are) then you can begin to see as Jesus views this & love the person & target the enemy instead.  If your reaction is going to send you into a pity party every time-- then the enemy is going to play this card over & over.  Then you'll end up a wounded, dried-up shell upon the floor.  If you learn to see it for what it is...if you therefore STAND...then he'll hafta try something new because if he can't get a rise outta ya....he has to fleeeeeeee.

Ladies… this is harder for us women to deal with because we are social & we do get our hearts wrapped up in things; we do pass out our pearls and more frequently wear our hearts on our sleeves...  but when we KNOW what the enemy is doing we can really overcome!

Hate God, but don't know Why?

Revelation from a dream I had....  There are many people out there that are victims of generational occult bondage.  It causes them to Hate God.  They are truly searching but finding NO satisfaction.  The root of their problem is simple.... break the gen. occult ties and then love and understanding --true fulfillment will come.  Remember... generational sin includes the forefathers.... so even if you never dabbled into anything occult and find yourself hating God now you know ‘why’... just say this prayer: 
“Jesus, I’ve looked everywhere and have no peace.  I hate you, I hate God, and I don’t know why.  I need your help.... I submit myself to you because I’ve heard you are a deliverer and in the bible it says of you: ‘He healed them all’.  I need healing in my soul.  Please forgive me and what my ancestors engaged in that separated us from You... I receive all You have for me... and by the power of Your conquering death and resurrection break any and every occult tie that opposes the One True God whether I engaged in activities myself or my ancestors did.  I am forgiven, and in receiving Your free gift of salvation, my sins and those of my forefathers are erased because You paid the debt for me/us at the cross. I thank you that I am your child and in the Name of JESUS I declare I AM FREE.”

Free indeed.... congratulations!  Feel free to contact us if you said that prayer-- for prayer, counsel and encouragement  : )  For starters.... destroy (not give away or sell--destroy) EvErYtHiNg or anything of the occult in your midst--even family heirlooms. 

...And consider reading Derek Prince’s book “Blessing or Curse - You can Choose”, to understand ‘why’.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The 'Sacred Name' of God - Looking at the Fruits of the Movement

I people often send me... I guess you'd call it 'propaganda' regarding the 'sacred name of God'. When I do, I often share the experience I had wherein the Lord showed me what He thinks about the whole thing; found in a video I created entitled: Battlefield of the Mind - Hearing God.

In this post I share another experience with another individual... the reply being after I sent my video reply...

Christian whom sent 'sacred names' video:
It does say in the front of the KJV Bible that they REMOVED the name YHWH and put in God or Lord God. That is a sin. We are not to remove or add anything to the Word. So I do call the Father by His true name YHWH(Yahuwah) and the Son..we can look up the word JEsus in the strongs exhaustive concordance and get the number, and then flip to the back of the book to the greek section to look it up and find that Jesus true name is really Yahushua!

hearingGod's Reply:
Thats fine... I just had to share what HE told me.
He has many names in the scriptures... which shows that He is whatever need the people have. He finds it more important that people recognize the Spirit He is of then the name, as evidenced the many times in scripture where He'd sneak in to test the hearts of those that claimed to follow Him (I love Emmaus-- it even goes beyond 'name' into a presence and rhemas <3).

The KJV thing is not compared with the quran or jehovah witness where they remove, add, distort & completely alter the meanings. KJV takes away the richness but does not cross over into error...removed---more like replaced with a rubber stamp....didn't remove and change to another 'g'od or remove entirely or add to entirely. In all translations there is so much in cultural conversion as well. Think of all your roles in life...a consolidation only takes away the richness. Just 'Sally'.... not 'Sally' the worshiper, the musician, the friend the etc. it's still you and perfectly fine in your eyes, but minus that extra info. True it is a seeming disservice but the question is, is does it serve to disqualify entirely? How did Jesus address His Father in the garden in prayer at Gethsemane?...and if Jesus is our model....good food for thought?

My sweet lil' cousin couldn't call his one aunt 'Laurie' he calls her 'nori'. does it, in fact everyone loves it. If he would go into real error and call her a foul name....that is when we are charged to step in for correction. Can we truly become as a little child and just be free to love Him as we each see Him?

I think we can look at all the generations under KJV and not throw it out the window under a form of legalism. A tree is known by it's fruits. And, that (legalism) is the heart of what this whole pushing a certain name on people thing is.

Pushing a method or a 'manner'.... I have to ask myself is it a religious control spirit? Just like preaching damnation on the street corner with out it being God's directive to do turns people off instead of drawing people into His heart.
I am not against any 'name'... but when it's at the forefront as a legalistic thing instead of a 'btw, did you know'... and see it's fruit:

1. confusion--"KJVnot good enough--it's not the Word of God?  Jesus, Yeshua...isn't 'good enough?   The bible I know is flawed, so I've been in error all this time-- I thought I was following Him???"
2. condemnation-- from pushers: "THIS is it and if you're not switching over, you're wrong, flawed.. blah blah."
by believers: "If I don't throw out my bible and get a 'proper' one, I'm not truly honoring God?"
3. drawing people out of rhema into logos (chasing after knowledge instead of relationship).

I have serious concern based on these fruits.

"All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not." 1 Corinthians 10:23 
..and this is one where the context of the verse is very important as well.... granted it speaks of food... but is it food with demons or is it good within the extended body?  There is only good and bad, not good but not good enough. It's the same thing with this name thing. We 'know' a thing by it's fruit, plain n' simple...consider the fruit.

thx for hearing me out,

Christian whom sent 'sacred names' video Reply:
HI --I do agree with you that the main things is a relationship with the Savior.
Even if we just call HIm the MessiYah the rest of our life, we still love HIm.
And the main thing is a relationship with Father in heaven, even if we just call him Father the rest of our life we are His if we are sincere! You have some good points you brought up in your note!!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Making Spiritual Sense of Harry Potter as a 'Christian'

The important thing that professing 'Christians' tend to forget in this day and age is found in Matthew 7:16:
"You will know them by their fruits."
Many 'Christians' buy into the wide popularity of Harry Potter -- the acceptance as non-reality because, after all it's 'just fantasy', because of the: 'I'm not practicing witchcraft itself'-- argument. The series elevates the practice of witchcraft which as we know is simply tapping in to the spiritual realm apart from God. In the scripture it is plain to see the root of witchcraft is "rebellion"...
"For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry."
1 Samuel 15:23a
We know in the Word such staunch scriptures that warn vs. the practice of witchcraft:
"There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer.."
Deu 18:10

"For those nations, which you shall dispossess, listen to those who practice witchcraft and to diviners, but as for you, the LORD your God has not allowed you to do so."
Deu 18:14
But in backing up we also know:
"When you enter the land which the LORD your God gives you, you shall not learn to imitate the detestable things of those nations."
Deu 18:19
Okay...okay... "But we're not 'practicing' it, only watching it for entertainment"... so let's look at the fruits, because we can't even trust when a person 'says' they are 'Christian' or wear a cross around their neck...

It is quite notable when you look at the monetary intake of the Harry Potter Behemoth; but very 'telling' when you look at the praises of the witchcraft community:
"He’s a charmer, that Harry Potter. The adolescent hero of J. K. Rowling’s series rides a broom, owns an invisibility cloak and magic wand, and has cast a spell over young readers the world over. He has modern-day witches enchanted too. "For once, the witches aren’t ugly old hags," said Michael Darnell, 39, a computer programmer from Winnipeg, Canada, who has been a practicing witch for over twenty-five years. "For once they’re the protagonists rather than the villains."
USA Today, May 30, 2000

“Harry in an absolute godsend to our cause,” said High Priest “Egan” of the First Church of Satan in Salem, MA. “An organization like ours thrives on new blood - no pun intended - and we've had more applicants than we can handle lately."

Beyond fruit, perhaps we need to look at this from a parable viewpoint...
See, people don't feel guilty because they do not 'jump in with both feet', but we can learn a lot from our system of law.

Accessory (legal term):
"An accessory is a person who assists in the commission of a crime, but who does not actually participate in the commission of the crime as a joint principal."
In an 1999 interview on the Diane Rehm Show, Rowling admitted that she studied witchcraft and mythology in order to write her books more accurately. She said, "I do a certain amount of research so when Im mentioning a creature, or a spell I will find out exactly what the words were, and find out exactly what the characteristics of that creature or ghost were supposed to be." She went on to say that about one-third of what she had written is based on actual occultism.
J.K. Rowling interview on The Diane Rehm Show, WAMU, National Public Radio, October 20, 1999

When we take this 'accessory' mentality and look into the scriptures for answers it is pretty clear that to turn away from such 'rebellion' is to not only stop practicing, but stop 'looking' as well:
"Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver. So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed."
Acts 19:19,20

When you look at the root---examine the fruit, all in light of the Word of God, it's pretty easy to discern. Just the other day I was flipping channels on the radio and a Lady Gaga song was on with a really catchy beat. I found myself flipping the channel the moment I had heard the first sentence in the song not line up with Philippians 4:8... and was boo'd by one of my sons until I taught him the importance of not living under religious extremism yet also not allowing worldly programming because it's true, "garbage in, garbage out". It comes down to being led by the Spirit of the Living God. Why is there so much commotion with Harry Potter??-- It's because the Holy Spirit is churning... the series of books, movies,'s everywhere.... it's hard to go against the grain; but can we learn from those new Christians from Acts 19 that axed that rebellious root? If they did it as former first-hand practitioners, we should have no problem in doing likewise with Rowland's 'Accessory' rebellion.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Immature Prophets

hearingGod's reply to a Seeking Person's encounter with a prophetic person with a message that didn't 'sit right' with them:

Now, as for you...i really don't know all that has been said & your relationship etc....but, at the same time...God can prophetically show people things that aren't pleasant (the old testament prophets had to do it with the kings all the time & they were
hated & persecuted for it). I don't know your friend--so I don't know--but sometimes, God shows things to a prophet & then the prophet can screw it up by injecting their own flesh....their own band-aide fix mixed in with the message. Like God shows them something, but instead of just giving a message or discerning that they not share it, but instead pray for the people involved...they take that message and mix it up with what they think is the solution. Of course we know God often does things unconventionally for this very reason and even if the prophet's own idea works, the prophet always miss out on blessing or there is always a consequence for not totally relying upon God. (*Note Balaam in the Book of Numbers around chapter 22.
Balaam could hear from God, but he had roots of inequity that he held onto instead of obeying God.)

If a prophet does this, it isn't necessarily a bad spirit taking them over or's just their mind trying to 'fix' a thing. Could make sense with good intentions and no control or benefit on behalf of the prophet. This happens a lot with immature prophets...just not enough understanding to know when 'it's God'--to ONLY deliver or pray for something and STAY in the spirit about it &/or not go off & allow another spirit in to taint it or to allow thier own flesh to come in and counsel 'thy will be done'. This is where you have to discern. You have to look at the whole this person prophetic and maybe they let their flesh in and perhaps this is why it's not setting well in your spirit?

If you have a warning in your spirit ask yourselves some basic questions:
Does the prophet often jive "'give a cup of water' to a prophet in return for blessings" and accept/promote donations? (greed)
Does the message bring attention to the prophet, esp. favorable accolade? (pride)
Does the prophet somehow benefit? (control, lust if for relationship)
Are you told to do or not do something--stay away from a certain individual? (control, manipulation)
The list can go on and on.... it's just important that you take that measure of warning, with common sense, ask for His revelation and then apply it alongside the Word of God.

Beware of Religious Condemnation/Control

Person with 'Controlling Religious spirit':

hearingGod's Reply:

Sorry, I had to remove your 'YELLING' off my page.

Thanks for your opinion... do check out the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.... that's where I got baptized in the Spirit. Pope John Paul II highly esteemed it, and I find it a real light among catholic church goers.
Jesus moved us out from under that structure... please be wary of judging's me before God alone.
"Even a man, who was not one of the disciples was driving out demons in Jesus name. The disciples told him to stop but Jesus said "do not stop him." No one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me for whoever is not against us is for us." (Mark 9:38)
peace and the forbearance of good fruit,


Signs of a Religious Spirit:

(1) They’ll find fault with others but not themselves

(2) They always tear down, but never build up

(3) They are unable to receive correction or instruction

(4) They won’t listen to men, only “to God”

(5) They believe that God has appointed them to fix you

(6) They will not tolerate weakness or failures in you

(7) They always want recognition

(8) They are suspicious of every new move of God

(9) They always glory in yesterday, but never today

(10) They won’t join a group outside theirs, and will forbid you to, also

Monday, September 20, 2010

When a Prophet Goes South - Forgive Them Anyways

Spirits infiltrate and blind people and so it's of utmost importance to also go by the fruit a person bears.  With one individual I kept seeing a lot of negative 'fruit' in the way they'd talk & actions...things that opposed the scriptures; and yet they knew it was wrong and made good sounding excuses for 'bad behavior'. BUT I'd keep putting em' on a pedestal like 'no, they couldn't be captured by are a prophet'.  Learn from my folly.... See, we can't look to anyone but Jesus, that's why eating, breathing, reading, listening to the bible is the best thing because it is the standard that these 'fruits' must meet. No more comparison amongst other humans-- we SIN. We need ultimate truth!
Sure, I was shocked when the bad fruit in this individual could no longer be hidden...

"Excuse me, but isn't that a rotten grape?" "Uh, no, it's just a raisin, ya....that's the's a raisin & they are sweet ya know?"

...but understanding that it was a spirit that influenced them...see how the anger, and everything can be directed at the enemy, not the person? Intercede for the person... bind the spirit behind it all if it begins to rail against you.

When bad fruit gets outta hand and shlops all over the place, you should recall from the scriptures what to do.
Matthew 18:15-17
“If your brother sins, go and show him his fault in private; if he listens to you, you have won your brother. But if he does not listen to you, take one or two more with you, so that by the mouth of two or three witnesses every fact may be confirmed. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector.”
Remember that Jesus is the Savior and if your correction is ignored and you suffer a kick in the pants as you run out the door... all that matters is that you are faithful before God; He will deal with them later.

I've known 'prophets' that are like a light-switch....they have some fruit that is evident that they are moving & under the spirit of God & then the next moment they are manifesting under some evil spirit and the fruit is totally rotten.  That's when it's hard & where discernment comes in.
In the book of Philippians 4:8 it says to 'test everything & keep that which is good'.
God can use anyone... but that doesn't mean we condone or fellowship with a blatant sinner. How do we know then... 'where they are at'?

The thing with this is, is that no one will know until judgement day.  They may actually be trying to cleanse but still have access issues. We cannot judge if they've crossed the line and do not cry wildly in repentance behind closed doors, but time does tell...the word doesn't lie...
In Matt. 7:18-19 "A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire."

If the process of Matthew 18:15-17 does not bring repentance and resolution, then all we know we are to do is disassociate from fellowship, not judge, and continue on our way.

"Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!'" (Matthew 7:22-23).
These types of people will have a rude awakening UNLESS they start producing GOOD FRUIT.  As your focus and benchmark rests solely upon your Savior... your good fruit will not go unnoticed. This is what it means to wash your garment and keep it white... what it means to get oil and keep the lamp lit.... YOU HAVE WORK TO DO, first and foremost on YOURSELF. Never compare yourself with a bad apple you've come across... minding your own business involves abiding in His word by conforming to it.

"I try to Read the Bible but I Just Can't"

If you focus on Jesus, He'll order everything else in place. Hindrances to reading the bible are NOT you.... remember we are in a spiritual battle. If you allow the spirits that try to block you from reading the bible & such to conquer you--fear will continue to run you around. Read the bible even if you don't want's spirits that try to hinder you...the word of God is called the 'sword of the spirit''s a weapon. As soon as you take it & begin to use it, it's over for the enemy in your life & it's only onward & upward. Begin to pay attention to the thoughts you have or the distractions that happen every time you move towards seeking God in the bible or praying. It's no coincidence. Bind them up in the name of Jesus and move forward.

Safety in a Multitude of Counselors

Proverbs 11:14 - "In a multitude of counselors there is safety"
The church group I used to hang out with was split all up because the deeper you go into the spirit...the more junk gets purged from your soul & if you hang onto what God hates...the devil steps in under the appearance of God & feeds your flesh.  If you don't line everything up to the word of God as the measuring rod, you can go astray. 

So what happened with our church group stuff...was the group leader was secretly getting people into african money scams that she was deceived into believing were real.  Sure, she had the intent of using some of the money for Godly purposes...but she did everything in secret & didn't counsel with others who would've told her it was a scam...all because she had a root of greed she would not let go of and the devil had a hay-day with her.  Then, after it was exposed she turned and attacked everyone that she should've counseled with....also remember the bible talks about 'you will know them by their fruits'.  So, this was the proof of her 'bad fruit'...her pride, her deception.  She had been listening to the devils voice & bated by a root of greed for so long that she turned to attack instead of accept reprove, correction or anything that would align with the bible.

Go to the Source - The Bible

Seeking Person's Letter:
"George" read an Anne Rice book and the idea in there sounds very reasonable as well but then it makes me question the devil's 'job'. It was that the bad people that go to hell basically go to 'school' to learn about what they did to everyone else that made them go to hell. Then after all of the years going to Satan School if they learned from their mistakes God would accept them. Now that sounds right and makes sense except for one thing....if the devil is helping out then why the hell does everyone say that the devil wants to pull you in and he's bad and everything? I don't get it! Basically bad people go to satan and good people go to hell but what does satan have to do with anything? He sound to me like a disciplinarian. Is that bad? I don't know anymore....Please tell me what it all means.

hearingGod's Reply Letter:
The only way to know God's opinion about stuff is in the bible. Any other
interpretation of anything biblical is subject to demonic
influence...that goes with Anne Rice stuff...that even goes with a pastor preaching at the pulpit. It's because
man is a filter. God teaches me the greatest things when
I simply ask Him 'what's up with this or that?' --
and then ask Him to reveal the answers to me through the bible. Then
sometimes I still don't 'get it', with what He's saying in the
bible...but that's where the Holy Spirit comes in & shows me the
answer through dropping stuff in my path through everyday life &
songs & things. But the bible is always the source. Even looking up
stuff on the internet & typing in the subject of my question & then
adding the word 'scripture' ...I come across all kinds of bible
'teachings' that are 'false'. It's like; so what....add some
scripture to a bogus teaching that's full of evil, and people believe
it's 'accurate'. I can spot these things because of the Holy Spirit
confirming it within me. That's why the baptism of the Holy Spirit is
important...because it's inviting God inside to teach you. Occult
people invite the demonic spirits inside themselves to learn hidden
things...the baptism of the spirit is the opposite. It's really
simple...the problem is, is that the devil sneaks into the teachings
of man & perverts everything so it brings tons of confusion & twists
things to get man to attack religion & use religion as a weapon.
That's why the bible is so important, because it's not tainted.
(Granted there are some versions of the bible that have been
manipulated & the meanings changed a bit--most of those
have been widely exposed), but even with that,... with the
Holy Spirit inside...God shows us when something is false &
encourages us to look for the good signs or 'fruits' that prove it's
worth. I suggested before...start with the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke &
John) & then go through to the end of the book. Then, begin to ask God
where to read...even flip thru the pages & point your finger with your
eyes shut. If you really want to know...He'll reveal stuff to
you...and sometimes in the most amazing ways. He's even put
reflections of a heart on the wall for me when I've been sad. Other
people might think it was a coincidence, but because I was praying &
asking for help...the meaning was clear to me.

Mind and Body Torments - You Can be Free!

Seeking Christian's Letter:
I have fear and think we are stupid to consider buying a house that requires so much work and mold issues. Then there's the factor that we both have demanding jobs that we can never seem to keep up and I'm fighting this damn depression/anxiety.... there's days I wish I was just dead. I would never do that...cause I would never hurt my children like that, but to be honest that is how I feel. I know I have so much to be grateful for but I feel like I fail at everthing...and I'm just so tired of trying. Monday I'm going to talk to my dr office to try something new....I feel like a yo yo with my moods.....I slept for 5 hrs yesterday during the day. today I slept for 6hrs.

hearingGod's Reply Letter:
I believe your depression & anxiety are spiritual issues. The church doesn't teach this stuff...everyone pushes medication. That's why we left the padded pews...because they don't consider the supernatural (they push a 'form of godliness, denying the power thereof'). So, listen to the teaching & consider it. I had 'generational deliverance' (applied Jesus' forgiveness to the unrepentant sins of my forefathers)...after that, my head was quiet as a pin. I never realized how much of the voices in my head were NOT ME! So then, they'd try & come back & then I'd really notice em' & not let em' take me over. You have to just take every single negative thing that comes into your head & take note of it & then look up scriptures that say who Jesus says you are & defend yourself.

When you to God that you want to be free of this stuff, and He will begin to teach you & deliver you. If it's really bad (the tormenting thoughts)...getting deliverance done would be the best, especially if you struggle or are weak in faith about it all. Any sort of deliverance really cleans your slate of gained access of the enemy.

I want you to understand that you're a wonderful person---you really are. This stuff that's 'ugly' --these thoughts aren't you! ---it's NOT! I can see that....I've been there. This is absolutely the understanding behind the scripture:
2Corinthians 10:5
"We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.."

Please do read this verse in context for greater revelation.

Gaining Faith by Believing the Word of God

Seeking Christian's Letter:
How do you use the shield of faith, is there a prayer?? I could really use this!! Did 'Linda' tell you about the horrible thoughts that run through my head or was this voice just from me???
fyi 'Bob's' aunt comitted suicide today :'(

hearingGod's Reply Letter:

Yes, these thoughts are not from you...think about it, the bible says :
Romans 8
1"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."

So, these thoughts you have are awful, they are hate think they are you & therefore you think you are a bad person....but that is not the case. You need to have FAITH (which you know)...and the bible says:
Romans 10:17
17"Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ."

So the 'word' of Christ is the bible. You HAVE to read the bible to make it through this. Do not rely on the counsel of anyone that doesn't read it regularly. I love 'Linda' but she doesn't read it. People that don't 'know' Jesus inside & out can be baited by the enemy and say things like: "God forbid it, Lord! This shall never happen to You."
However we don't want our flesh patted... we need His truth, not to stumble!
"But He turned and said to Peter, "Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me; for you are not setting your mind on God's interests, but man's."

Unfortunately for 'Bob's' aunt...she became another victim of 'the voices'. When a person believes it is themselves, they become a puppet. Columbine, Virginia tech....demon possessed people--yes there were christians there in the region but, remember I said there are a lot of 'churches' out there....but they have no authority in the spirit. How do we know? By the fruits. Are they doing what the disciples did... the things that Jesus said would accompany those who believe? (Mark 16-17)
When you read the word, believe the can do the same amazing things Jesus did, and more:
"Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do because I go to My Father." (John 14:12)

Why don't we SEE these amazing things??? Because people don't BELIEVE....are listening to 'the voices'. Disaster & all sorts of stuff is averted by 'sons of God'....those wielding the authority of Christ (check out Luke 9).

It all starts in the mind....

Learning to Grow in Relationship and Spiritual Discernment

hearingGod's Letter:Words are powerful...they can create life or death. Consider how many people have said bad things about 'Bob'....those things become a curse & drag him down--it gives the devil access to torment him. I'm more careful now about how I judge people, because people can be so influenced by the devils voice. We should take it out on the devil & shut the access down instead of calling people stupid so much.

'Bob' I really admire...he is a really talented person--gifted in soooo many areas. Just so many nay-sayers that shut him down at times.
Most people want to medicate & drug the world...but I think darn near all of it is caused by spiritual access by the devil. Much of it built up curses that run in family lines. I tell you, I learn a lot more from God outside of man's view ofchurch since out of a 'padded pew'.

Sometimes you listen to those little voices too much...those ones that call you 'a damn sinner' & judge you as rotten because you don't go to church etc.-- that's a spirit of religion. I see more character in you than many that brag of being the number one bible study leader. You just need to believe you are who God says you are in Him & profess that when the 'thoughts' condemn you--because if you haven't figured out what i'm getting that not every voice you hear in your head is your own...some of them you've 'thought' is 'you' your whole life---but really are inherited demons thru family curses. Then ofcourse you've got people you know that open pandora's box all the time & let the devil run right into their lives....that is different.
You can break the access the devil has by drawing close to Jesus & asking Him for deliverance. Asking for the sins of past generations to be broken so that they cannot have access to your child. I could tell you some wild stories. It just comes down to a matter of believing what the bible says & whenever you screw up to go to Him & ask forgiveness & then your slate is wiped clean & it doesn't get passed on to your kids. It won't work if you do it outta lip service out of fear...if you genuinely get to know Jesus & believe what He's promising--then you'll see all sorts of miracles & hear His 'voice' in all sorts of ways. Having a relationship--that's key. You'd do anything for a friend that you love...that's the kinda relationship God wants with people. 'Religion' just wants people in bondage & under laws & judgement. God only gave 'laws' so people wouldn't do things that would give the devil access into themselves....but a spirit of religion wants you to dress 'right', do this, do that or you'll burn in hell--Ha ha ha. Once you understand the difference between the 'why' God commanded something---that it was to protect people--you can really have freedom in life. Man puts himself into bondage under a spirit of religion. When 'free' you can explore that truly nothing is impossible & that God put talents upon you & desires in your heart & that you should pursue those things. You find fulfillment in life & His kingdom comes--everybody's happy ; p

Seeking Christian's Reply Letter:
Thank you....that helped.
You made me realize how much I put 'Bob' down myself.
I'm not sure about the family curses etc. and I know I'm not the best person but I appologize to God when I think bad thoughts about others and thank him for things that are good. I don't claim to be a holy roller or the best christian, that's one thing that bugs me about those who do....when their actions don't support values. I talk to God, well usually thank you or 'I'm sorry' just about everyday. THANK YOU FOR MY SON ALL THE TIME, I'M SOOO LUCKY TO HAVE HIM. I appologize for thinking to myself how fat someone is. I ask for help to get some of the horrible thoughts that go through my mind out. I pray when someone needs help or dies; but thats about it. I dont think you'd call that a relationship. I have some work to do.

hearingGod's Reply Letter:
You're really on the right track. The way to boost the relationship more is to do as much listening as you do talking ; ') and by that I mean investing some time in reading the bible. I don't do it nearly often enough myself, but I had a few intense years of reading it a lot so it's easier for me to find what i'm looking for...or God to remind me of a story that relates to a situation I need help with.

A good way to start is start at the 4 gospels & read from them to the end of the bible (over a period of time of course) ...then...what I would do is just ask God what he wanted to say to me...or to learn or whatever & I'd hear that 'small still voice' tell me a book & then some numbers. If I wasn't sure if it was chapter 2: vs 31 or chapter 23 vs. 1...I'd just read both. Other days I'd just close my eyes, pick a page & point & then read whatever my finger landed on. Some days stuff wouldn't correlate at all but others I'd have a tear in my eye because He'd nail my problem or encourage me or whatever. It's always hard at first, but getting into a set groove about it (I think my first dedication to reading the Word was bathroom visits--LOL). The neat thing is everybody's relationship with him is different so stuff me & 'Papa' share won't be the same as how you 2 do. That's a huge problem in institutionalized 'church' person gives a testimonial on how fasting did some miracle in their life so then everybody else decides to follow it like it's some recipe or formula. So essentially people don't consult God for their needs & situations...they follow a formula, like God is some genie in a bottle. So then they wonder why God never does anything for them...well, duh....they never got close enough to Him...they just wanted to hang out with a human that did. If you put that into human relational terms...they aren't being friends with God are they?... I'd be ticked-off to be treated that way.

All I can say is spiritually speaking...the devil doesn't want you to get close to God so you'll just have these feelings & thoughts that are negative vs. reading the scriptures. And you'll hear excuses in your head & yawning & all sorts of stuff. But that's the already have a good communication base with just need to hear more of His heart & plans through the word. As you invest in that...suddenly, your ears & eyes will begin to open...a song (and i'm not talking christian radio either!) will come on the radio that has the same theme of something you just read that last night...someone will say something in conversation & although they are clueless, you can recognize that God is answering a question you just asked through them. It is pretty wild how God speaks & it's not all religiousy & solemn either. That's why I love the 'matrix' movie series so's not a religious movie...but it's really true to what is going on spiritually in this day & age--I know whoever wrote it...that God was inspiring their pen.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I want to tell you about Jesus - The bright side

He's at it again.... wanting to share Jesus with you. Enjoy!

"God is my strong fortress; And He sets the blameless in His way."
2Samuel 22:33

"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect."
Romans 12:2

"If you love Me, you will keep My commandments."
John 14:15

"Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right,
whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely,
whatever is of good repute,
if there is any excellence
and if anything worthy of praise,
dwell on these things."
Philippians 4:8 

I want to tell you about Jesus - Bible Tyme

He's at it again.... wanting to share the Bible with you and what he's learning. Enjoy!

Mat 7:21 "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter.

Mat 7:23 "And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.'

Mat 7:24 "Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock.

Psa 28:7 The LORD is my strength and my shield; My heart trusts in Him, and I am helped; Therefore my heart exults, And with my song I shall thank Him.
Psa 28:8 The LORD is their strength, And He is a saving defense to His anointed.

Psa 57:3 "He will send from heaven and save me; He reproaches him who [fn] tramples upon me. Selah. God will send forth His lovingkindness and His truth."

Col 3:16 "Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God."

Eph 4:23b-24 "be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth." 

Children's Church - Wheat, Tares, Yeast and Mustard Seeds

Children and Adults alike...
Thank you for joining us in Children's Church,
we'll be reading from:
Matthew 13:24-43, and having a little fun with mustard seeds.... are you up to a dare??

24 Jesus presented another parable to them, saying, "The kingdom of heaven maybe compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25 "But while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went away. 26 "But when the wheat sprouted and bore grain, then the tares became evident also. 27 "The slaves of the landowner came and said to him, 'Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?' 28 "And he said to them, 'An enemy has done this!' The slaves *said to him, 'Do you want us, then, to go and gather them up?' 29 "But he *said, 'No; for while you are gathering up the tares, you may uproot the wheat with them. 30 'Allow both to grow together until the harvest; and in the time of the harvest I will say to the reapers, "First gather up the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them up; but gather the wheat into my barn.'"" 31 He presented another parable to them, saying, "The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field; 32 and this is smaller than all {other} seeds, but when it is full grown, it is larger than the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that THE BIRDS OF THE AIR come and NEST IN ITS BRANCHES." 33 He spoke another parable to them, "The kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three pecks of flour until it was all leavened." 34 All these things Jesus spoke to the crowds in parables, and He did not speak to them without a parable. 35 {This was} to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet: "I WILL OPEN MY MOUTH IN PARABLES; I WILL UTTER THINGS HIDDEN SINCE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD." 36 Then He left the crowds and went into the house. And His disciples came to Him and said, "Explain to us the parable of the tares of the field." 37 And He said, "The one who sows the good seed is the Son of Man, 38 and the field is the world; and {as for} the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; and the tares are the sons of the evil {one;} 39 and the enemy who sowed them is the devil, and the harvest is the end of the age; and the reapers are angels. 40 "So just as the tares are gathered up and burned with fire, so shall it be at the end of the age. 41 "The Son of Man will send forth His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all stumbling blocks, and those who commit lawlessness, 42 and will throw them into the furnace of fire; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 43 "Then THE RIGHTEOUS WILL SHINE FORTH AS THE SUN in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear. 

Got Good Fruit?

Alas, a Kiwano horned melon IS good for something.... making a spiritual allusion!

"You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name He may give to you."
John 15:16

Plastic Fruit
Do not be deceived by "plastic fruit," produced by will-power independent of spiritual life. The human soul produces these, not the spirit. Fake fruit may look the same as the real thing, but when tested -- utterly fails the test. Real spiritual fruit stands up under the toughest test.
Real spiritual fruit is not dependent on other people and their actions, but is produced as the result of God's life within.
A quick glance at the "fruit" in someone's life can be deceptive. Fake spiritual fruit reveals itself when under pressure in the heat of trials. Real fruit tastes even better after extreme heat is applied. Plastic fruit melts and disappears.
Only as life flows through the branches, does fruit grow. Fruit does not ripen overnight, and cannot be manufactured.

Teaching Children about Deliverance

We'll be reading from:MATTHEW 12:43-45

"Now when the unclean spirit goes out of a man, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, and does not find it.
Then it says, 'I will return to my house from which I came'; and when it comes, it finds it unoccupied, swept, and put in order.
Then it goes and takes along with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there; and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first. That is the way it will also be with this evil generation."

People of God... pay attn. to the last sentence... circumcise your hearts for true repentance, for judgment comes first to the house of God.

Children and Adults alike...
Thank you for joining us in Children's Church online.
It's simple... read and teach the scripture to the kids and just turn on the camera so others can blessed by the Word of God as well.
Teaching with a spirit-filled... the gifts have not passed away bent... enjoy!

Pro 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” 

I want to tell you about Jesus

Someone special wants to tell you about Jesus... so here he is! Never underestimate a child, for they point the way to heaven. Simple faith, simple messages... smiles and fun... our best and most profound ministers of the Gospel are children!

Unrehearsed... uncoached... Drew was bugging me today about doing this message that I had no clue of what it was going to be about. And the message is clear..... It's NOT about all these 'things' in life... ((isn't it true!)).... it's about having a relationship with JESUS!

We hope you more than enjoyed this... but that this precious message was allowed to 'sink in'!

A Bible Study for Boys - Spiritual Tips 5

A great Bible Study for Boys!
Boys have great energy, so how can we funnel that energy and interest into digging into the Word and conforming to His image?

Use the first 3 movies from Star Wars (episodes 1,2 & 3), in paralleling Anakin Skywalker's steady downfall into negative fruits alongside of Galatians 5:19-25.
Get your dictionary handy as well, as you read through those nasty fruits in Galatians, you'll be mining through each one with that dictionary to really get the kids to understand what each one really means.  Then, talk about the movie(s) and encourage the kids to pick out scenes that show that bad fruit in action so that they can begin to grasp by an example  (in Anakin).

Not only does this study grasp their interest, but it encourages them to discern and teaches them to investigate based on the Word of God.

Galatians 5:16-25 (New American Standard Bible)

 16But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.
 17For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please.
 18But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law.
 19Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality,
 20idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions,
 21envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
 22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
 23gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
 24Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.
 25If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. 

Monday, May 17, 2010

Spiritual Housecleaning - Strongholds Edu

Do you have unsettling sinful habits, weaknesses, torments, recurring bad fruit character flaws?  I'm not talking about big things like murder or adultery… I'm talking about areas in your life, in your thought patterns that keep you barreling like a hamster in it's wheel instead of exhibiting Galatians 5 victory?
Spiritual Housecleaning is a series I'm doing to help expose all those dark, dirty little things that the enemy would rather you think is just a normal struggle in your life. 
You're here because you know there's abundant life, you've tasted it… but a taste just won't do… you want to live it!

Hi Freedom 1 here, with a little video crash course illustration about enemy access that ties us up from conforming into the image of Christ Jesus. I'll show how we get on the brink of agreeing with the devil… how to overcome when the pressure is on, what happens when we blow it and how the sins of our forefathers haunt us and wear us down. 

In 2 Corinthians 10:4&5 NAS we read, "…for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but  divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ." Other versions call those 'fortresses' - 'strongholds', and that's what we're talking about here.

In Mark 3:27 is the ever popular illustration that perhaps we've read and agreed with but never thought about in terms of those recurring troubles we have, that the Word says we shouldn't.  

I'll begin to flesh it out with our character Mr. Bitter as he's active on the job-site… later we'll send in  an interviewer as well…  Roll the Spirit-Cam!



*Note:  Generational curses or sins of the father…. wear us down, because they have legal access to do so.  The generational ties…. let's face it, it's like chinese water torture…. just always there nagging…. those thoughts, those voices in the head.  Remember in 2 Corinthians 10:5?  ["Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ." ] This is not only talking about what our human minds come up with, but who else can influence our mind with those nagging 'voices' those contrary thoughts?

It's so simple though… appropriate what Jesus did…. and be done with it! 

But I don't know everything about my ancestor back 4 generations ago…. you say…. well, we'll save that for another video.

Recap…. how do we get a stronghold?
• Blatant unrepentant sin all by ourselves.
• If we agree with ANY lie…. we create a door.

Journey along with me in this series of Spiritual Housecleaning as we learn to dismantle every work of the enemy in our lives and be equipped to stop these cycles cold in our lives and all those around us, so that we can truly be free, FREE INDEED!

Scriptures used in sequences:
Ephesians 4:31
James 4:7
Numbers 14:18
Exodus 20:5
Deuteronomy 5:9
Leviticus 26:39-40

Spiritual Housecleaning Playlist 

Spiritual Housecleaning Part 1

'Spiritual house-cleaning' is the process of freedom from demonic oppression.  When we are examining ourselves… find bad habits, bad fruit, evidence of unrepentant sin and we begin to cry out earnestly with desire to not only overcome, but to change at all costs… doors of access begin to shut.  Deliverance begins to happen.

When I began down this path of deep self examination… I realized that I ‘had issues’.  In reading the Word of God and comparing my ‘Walk’ along-side of it... things weren’t adding up.  I found myself identifying oh--too--well, with Saint Paul’s lament in Romans 7:15, “For what I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate.”

I found myself needing a deliverer because try as I might.... I still had my issues (I still HAVE issues!) despite doing and saying ‘all the right things’. Despite all the heartfelt repentance, forgiveness and reading the Word!  The Lord showed me in the scriptures…. Moses delivered the Israelites from the hand of Pharaoh…. we can liken that to what takes place when we receive Jesus as Lord.  But were the Israelites completely free after that point? No… what happened?  They succumbed to influences and what were the roots of those thoughts that turn to action?  Ask yourself… was there a root spirit of bondage, of fear, of distrust…. and you can go on & on deeper into this meditation in seeing they had those same things before the exodus. 

The fact of the matter is, is that walking out your salvation is an understatement to it's true meaning church.  There are a great many words that have changed meaning these days.

Why is the word ‘Deliverance’ a dark and dirty word that society has programmed us into believing that is a rare necessity only for little levitating girls with spinning heads, foaming & cursing mouth manifestations?  Maybe because ‘Possession’ is a dark and dirty word that is often associated with it.
In Chris Simpson’s guide entitled: Deliverance from Evil Spirits, I found this interesting tidbit… Did you know...:

“In the New Testament, the Greek word expressing the presence of demonic spirits within people is daimonizomai (Die-mon-nye-zom-my). What this word means is to be demonized; to be under the power or influence of a demon in certain areas; to have a demon. In the King James Version of the Bible this particular Greek word is translated 11 times as “to be possessed with devils.” The word “possessed,” however, is a mislead-ing translation for this Greek word. To English speaking people the term “possessed” implies total ownership of something. This concept, when applied to the relationship between a demonic entity and a person, has no support in the scripture or in the original intent of the Greek word. There is no suggestion in the scripture that a demon has totally taken over a person as the word “possessed” implies. Even the Gaderene demoniac had enough humanity to cry out to Jesus for help. Rather, close scriptural study shows that the effect of demons upon people was usually in one or more areas of the personality - not the whole person.”

Does the thought of demonic access set well in comparison with what the ‘church’ has programmed us with?  Of course not.  The devil is always making us do something... but we have no part in it whatsoever, “Why, that sneaky devil just came outta nowhere, no one is safe”.  No, that's a Wrong mentality, that gives the devil power and lessens the power of God.  Or how about “We’re all sinners with no good in us”; Wrong. God Justifies us through Christ & uses us in the plan of salvation.

When you’ve tried everything to no avail... full-well knowing that God is good.... maybe it’s time to take seriously that ‘every penny must be paid for’...

Matthew 18:33-35 "Should you not also have had mercy on your fellow slave, even as I had mercy on you? And his lord, moved with anger, handed him over to the torturers until he should repay all that was owed him. So shall My heavenly Father also do to you, Peter, if each of you does not forgive his brother from your heart."

Suddenly, it makes sense--  because we realize that the Word of God IS very true despite man’s desire to pick and choose based on the pride in the mind or fleshly desires.  Sin opens us up to satan.  The price for sin is the atoning blood of Jesus.  The glaring 'issues' we have… the ones that echo Paul's Lament in Romans 7:15… the diseases, the repetition of failure in our lives point to areas of access. 

The bridge of Sanctification is a marvelous structure that ‘Deliverance’ steadily ropes us across.  Even the smallest of undesirable fruit is not welcome in the offering of our very selves unto the Lord.

This is some hard stuff and I will be addressing it because this term 'Deliverance' and the concept of 'Spiritual Housecleaning' is very broad.  Some of the 'issues' we deal with… we have no understanding where they have come from and why we can't seem to break free…. those point to Generational Curses (sins of forefathers) Soul Ties, and Curses (whether self induced or by others) in general.  This doesn't seem fair, but it's in the Word and if you have these 'issues'… diving in to understand the 'Why' will help you overcome.

Another hard area is that the enemy is attracted to pain, just like an open wound in the ocean attracts sharks…. so areas of wounding or trauma…. which aren't even sins we have committed also give a doorway for the enemy to frequent in our lives.  How do we heal the wound?  This is stuff I'm going to touch on later in this series.

Another guide, prayers etc. on the subject can be found at my site under 'clean up your act'.

Spiritual Tips 4 - Tips for Teachers

Are you a God-ordained 'Teacher' of the 5-fold, in that the gifts have not passed away? If your drive is to open up and bless the body of Christ with any morsel of revelation of the kingdom of God. this is for you.

1.) Go with what you know. Nothing regurgitated. nothing from a book that you've read but not personally been through or God hasn't specifically shown you Himself. God gives all of us a facet if it weren't so then we wouldn't need a 'body of Christ'. There's nothing wrong with building upon more facets already out there, but if you hop on a bandwagon of sorts and it's not coming from the heart, it benefits no one and if it's not birthed from HIM, it's your own bad-self Pride that you need to be dealing with!
Some people put themselves in this position because they have a 'ministry' a 'following' that is expecting them every wednesday night at 7pm. Be careful people only do what you see the Father doing and don't get swept down the river with that old feeding trough trap.

2.) Go with what you know AND have Conquered, because--- you'll be tested by your words. If you haven't conquered something and blab it out prematurely guess what? You're going to deal with it some more. It's not only the devil that stands before God and says, "Hey, they say they are over it, I just had them a moment ago, talk is cheap, I ain't go'in nowhere unless they therefore STAND". But the enemy also enlists human weapons to rail against you, to whittle your faith down and make it even harder for you. Hey, let's face it the enemy is ruthless he knows you well. Your good witness is more important to snuff out than a christian that's minding their own business in unspiritual Logos-land. Teachers you know you're more accountable. If you don't have your 'stuff' together and the pressure is great and you fall what happens to the people that were listening to you?
I know, it's hard you start to get freedom and revelation and you get excited. But hold up lil' buck-a-roo don't let your excitement be captured by the enemy pushing you.

Part of the lie the enemy often pushes on people is that YOU HAVE TO BE FIRST. this is something 'new'. Nope, nothing new under the sun. There is no hurry if you are trusting in the Lord. You will absolutely know when the time is right to deliver the message of the Lord you'll be inspired, it will come out with an unmistakable anointing upon it; you will have peace and there won't be any feeding pearls to swine.

3.) God will bless you where you are at. No task He commissions you with is too small or unimportant. I have an immense burden to teach but one day He told me to do the bible promise series here on YouTube. That doesn't require teaching, just reciting from the good book. What I didn't realize is what an important tool, weapon and blessing it is for me! BUT, He knows! Now it's a referral I use when helping others.
The same with doing 'Children's Church'. I simply turn on the camera when I teach the kiddies & then spend some time editing & then what happens? My kids LOVE the episodes! Not only do they sit through it once but they watch the fun video after the fact! Do I want the word of God in me? Do I want it rooted in my kids? YES!
3a.) God will bless you where you are at because God gives us these teachings first for ourselves! As I go through old teachings, I find blessings there. Teacher, if you're not finding blessing in your own teachings-- if you don't feel that anointing there that excites you to go deeper--- analyze, was it 'you' or God-ordained?

4.) Look at me vs. Look at God. When you start a teaching as led by God, stay the narrow road. Are you equipping people or are you looking for accolades? People want to know how to go on deeper with God and how to be free. We are called to use our testimony, but there's a fine line there. Point to Jesus. Educate the people. And be 'Real' in your delivery-- don't only tell half of it cuz rest brings down your posh reputation. If you've conquered it, it shouldn't bug you anyways!

5.) Be You. God has designed you and equipped you just as you are. Don't squish yourself into the preacher on t.v. box of the month if that's not you. I have people call me a fake christian cuz I'm goofy instead of serious and stoic. But hey, I'm reaching who I'm supposed to all you cool people that watched this to the end!