Monday, May 17, 2010

The Financial Vessel - Part 1

You've gotten prophetic words of financial blessing & you're speaking it forth...your taking on the dominions placed before you --yet your wheels seems to be spinning. Where is the breakthrough you say? Where is the promise? There's a few reasons it's not manifesting...I'll break it down in this episode of hearing God...

It's very frustrating to get a word on financial blessing and not see it breakthrough. and there are those of you out there that know He takes care of your daily bread but your hearts longing is that this big blessing comes in so it can go out to further the kingdom of God. I'm going to go through some of the things that God has shown me that might help you internalize what's blocking it up.

#1. Was the word from God? If you got the word from God directly and can discern that it was indeed from Him then you can move on. but....if you got the word from outside of yourself....did you pray about it? Ever hear such a thing as a smooth prophet? What is their 'track record'--good fruit produced? It's very important that anything spoken to you is then taken to God for confirmation.

#2. You have to take a dominion. Oh come often does money just fall down from heaven? It does on occasion, but God has equipped each and every one of us with desires in our hearts...brains to seek education...hands to plow with and spiritual authority to overcome.

The devil doesn't want you to do anything to advance the kingdom of God, so it is your job to manifest "having done all things therefore Stand!" out of educating yourself and getting the work done no matter what...realize that being effective for God puts a bullseye on your back...and not only on your back but everyone you come into contact with and everything you set your hands to. This is war and the devil wants to shut you down at any cost. You might be happy to educate and work hard but if your blockage always hits outside of your own control it's because you have to take authority. what does this mean? A Lot of prayer. you must prayer shield everything & everyone you come into contact with along with prophesying those words of financial blessing despite whatever it looks like in the natural. If you haven't been doing're going to see your life radically change as this is what grows the anointing and gets you in closer union with G-d.

But you have done this you say....well...

#3.  Is, or are the vessels pure?  This is the biggest hang-up to birthing a financial release.  God needs solid vessels to pour into...they can't have any holes in them.  And notice, I said 'is or ARE the vessels pure?'  You have a lot of self examination to do on your own part, but for might be a vessel that He can pour into....but is what you would pour it out into full of holes?  The good you would do with it--is it where He's going to want it to go?  This absolutely includes your your tithe going to be sown where God is?

It's that kind of alignment that needs to happen to bring our releases.  Until those vessels are built and His own can discern where He is...we get our needs met...we get polished with every hard thing.

God needs it to go where it's supposed to to achieve His purpose, not for our understanding...
so if you really think your vessel is pure (now be careful people!!!) then have you examined the fruits of what you want to sow into? 

So you could be all ready, but it's not released because the alignment is off.   If this is the need to go to the prayer closet and intercede for the other 'vessel' or you need to ask God to align you or open your eyes to what He wants.

You have to remember our life unfolds in seasons and that some things can become comfortable...what was once in alignment with His plan may no longer be there.  You have to always be on the edge of your chair for a fresh word from God, no matter how uncomfortable it is.   It's uncomfortable because God always has to do a 'new thing' because the devil is always jumping in to pervert and twist things through religious spirits.  Again, seek the great comforter and His counsel.

And lastly,

#4.  For righteousness sake.  This might be rare, but sometimes God holds off like he did with Job.   A word given shall come to pass, as it did with Job...just perhaps not right away.

"Heaven and earth shall pass away, but truly the words  of God shall not pass away." ---so hold tight to that promise, examine yourself and counsel with God as you gain the anointing.  When everything is aligned...G-d will pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive.

1 comment:

  1. Testimony on finances
    We have debts from our old life. By God's grace we have paid off the credit card, are 22 months off paying our debts and had £2k overdraft that was the next target God had given me. We are obedient and give to 2 main things - our money has had an elastic quality since being born again.
    That week at my mens group we'd talked about a spirit of poverty which due to my upbringing could have applied to me. I dealt with this in prayer and told God that I was ready to receive whatever provision he had for me. That Sunday I told my wife that we would not be putting Christmas on the credit card this year and we discussed the budget. To be fair to my wife, she only asked a question - could we afford our normal giving? I don't argue. I took it to God - that he had put it on my heart to give. I couldn't force my wife nor go behind her back as our oneness honoured Him. I asked Him to bring us both closer to Him and thereby closer together so that my wife would agree with His will. The next day I fasted. I only say this because it is a testimony. We got home from work and the first letter I opened was a tax rebate for £3,799.64 - I have never had one in my life. We laughed, cried, praised God, showed our kids what God had done and talked to them about how we give back a portion to God. God had changed my wife's mind, allowed us to give even more and wiped out the overdraft in one go.
    A week later I was paid and had an extra £380 in my monthly salary. Exactly 10% of the rebate! We have not wasted it as it is His money. I am not saying that if you give He will return money but He will return a blessing. Praise God. CanisRufus60
