Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Occupy Until He Comes


Take authority in your region of influence by bringing in the Presence of God -- Occupying until HE comes.

Jesus did the work but we, as His ambassadors, must appropriate what He did, making His enemies His footstool. He sent the Holy Spirit to comfort but also to activate us in His Power. C'mon people... things are getting worse because fewer & fewer people actively allow Jesus to reign through them taking a stand!

In this teaching from 2006, Stingray also talks about the importance of paying attention to how the accuser of the brethren tries to get believers to attack one-another & the best solution for this type of mental retaliation after gaining ground on the enemy's front.

How do you bring in the Presence of God??? -- Praise n' Worship?, Prayer Walking?....Sorry folks, it's not a method...ASK JESUS.... after all, if Jesus only did what He saw the Father doing... we are to do the same : ) On the same token...it's not so important that you implement a '3-day rule' of not talking to people....but that you're mature enough to begin to recognize the mental warfare that ensues... you may be able to control it, but others might rail you unawares... easily forgetting what's really going on (it's not so fun to try to explain it's the enemy causing it in a heated moment so a blanket & agreed upon '3-day rule' can be rather helpful).

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