Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Pt 3 Birds, Bees, 'Coming of Age', What Happens Spiritually?

Wow, old video with quite an agenda… Hi, I'm Freedom1, and in my last video of this series I'd talked about how important it is to take captive the spiritual assaults that enter through the eyes, the ears, fantasies of the mind and bridling our tongue. I told you that I wanted to save the last bullet point of 'dreams' for this video because on the topic of masturbation… dreams are a big battlefield. Throughout the day… thoughts and sensory items hurled at you are processed and if not dealt with, open you up to a huge attack zone in your dreamscape.

So I'm going to ease in on some revelation in the scripture, because as you're becoming spiritually aware… you need to also:
"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth."
2 Timothy 2:15
Yes, that's right we need dig into the Word of God for understanding! And in the dreamscape there is a very important clue found in Isaiah 34:14… IF we dig into the strong's concordance. You won't find this clue in just looking at a King James Bible!

What is the Strong's concordance? Well, our scriptures are translated from Greek and Hebrew.. and so the strong's provides a detailed edu on the base root from the original language. As you know… bible scholars may have a selection to choose from… but sometimes limiting the entirety of a root meaning buries the richness hidden in there. So let's see what's really hidden in Isaiah 34:14...
(Isaiah 34:14 strong's concordance study of 'night monster' listed as #3917)
• dreams - the act of masturbation opens us up to the invitation of:
spirits of incubus and succubus

Now the scripture I showed you shows the reality in the Word of a spirit with a nocturnal assignment… but the Word doesn't spell out incubus and succubus in there. Do I know that our military has a ranking order to it? "Sure", you'd say. Could I name off military officials by name along with their title? Well, no… but if I know enough about the military I could tell you their function. So how do I know of these spirit's names? Well, remember in the last video I told you figure out the root of any spiritual attack… such as anger, jealousy, hate… and then in labeling or 'naming these' you bind them and cast them to the footstool of Jesus. Well, this is the same sort of thing… we're just dealing with older languages here!
Incubus Origin: noun derivative of Latin incubāre to lie upon; see incubate
Succubus Origin: from succubare "to lie under," from sub- "under" + cubare "to lie down"
ie...Incubus:  generally attacks girls - Succubus:  generally attacks guys
God is big on names that match character…

I'm going into detail with this because you don't need to research demonic ranking or any kind of demonology with anything you encounter spiritually… all you have to do is look at it's root and ask Father God what it is or what you need to know in order to get the job done! Never dig around satan's info or 'think' you'll get some edge on the enemy with such knowledge… that's a trap! You are secure holding Jesus' hand!

Okay… so these spirits visit at night and if we are welcoming to them we have a sexual dream that may even result in orgasm. The act of masturbation is essentially having sex with ones self; which doesn't fit in with the bigger picture portrayed in the scriptures of loving each other, even sacrificially… let's face it… the scriptures are 'us' focused and masturbation is a very selfish and impatient 'me, me me…and I don't need you' kind of act. When we look at the bigger picture we can see a stinky root and stinky roots are handed over to satan… giving him access to torment us.
Rom 1:24 Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them.
Incubus and Succubus can disguise themselves… and depending upon how much of the truth of the Word you have within you, decides how disguised they appear.

God dwells within you,  "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body."
1Corinthians 6:19-20 -- and because of that this scripture holds true:
Ps. 68:2b " wax melts before the fire, may the wicked perish before God."
So I can tell you that unsaved people have really realistic night experiences with these demons and haven't a clue what's really going on. Some people experience this as a 'night terror' and wake up speaking of an awful dream where they felt as though they had been raped. As for believers though… even accepting Jesus as Lord, we still have to strive to be holy. Even in the night watch. These spirits will still aim to attack. I've had them appear to me wrapped in sheets so I couldn't see who or what they were… but it was clear in the dream that they came with sexual intent. As I resisted the advance and began to cry out for Jesus, I found myself feeling utterly paralyzed and almost unable to scream Jesus' name. Finally I woke up to feel that oppressive paralysis leaving me.

If you've related to any of the bullet points I've mentioned & fear you may have opened up the door to incubus or succubus, I'll have a prayer link in the descriptions to help you repent and shut this doorway.

"But what if I haven't opened such a doorway and find myself having major attacks", you say? I'm not just talking about Incubus or Succubus… what if you find yourself having a desire or tendency toward the same sex-- one that you've always known? Or, what if you find yourself secretly binging and purging or becoming anorexic? What if you feel a strong desire to drink alcohol or can't seem to stay away from porn? I'll save that for the next video.

I had wanted to share info/link but....
As is common with the pressure of the sin mankind wants.... this link I had is now defunct... having data on how Masturbation, not so 'healthy' of an act:
I will highlight the gists though:
*masturbation can become more addictive than taking heroin - one releases the same chemical which makes you feel good when you take heroin (i.e. opioids)
*every time you ejaculate, you lose approximately 3-5mg of zinc, that's nearly a third of your RDA.
Zinc is one of the main minerals responsible for testosterone production, therefore less zinc, less testosterone etc. (in regular intercourse the zinc is replenished in the transfer of trace minerals and prostaglandins... God knows what He's doing folks)
* small list of issues masturbation can cause (though not an exhaustive one):
- Fatigue

- Lower back pain

- Thinning hair/hair loss

- Weak erection

- Premature ejaculation

- Groin/testicular pain

- Concentration and memory problems

- Sleep problems

Prayer for shutting incubus/succubus:

........Prayer for Incubus/Succubus Spirits...........
(*edit as necessary to personalize; swipe & print out for your bedside)

Father, I come to you through Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit. In the authority of the risen Lord Jesus Christ, I invite the power of Jesus’ deliverance and healing from the Incubus and Succubus Spirits, their offspring, seed, the spiritual family, and associated spirits to me, my husband, my family, my household and my ancestors.
Father, in Jesus Name, I rebuke the Incubus and Succubus Spirits, their offspring, seed, the spiritual family, and associated spirits. In Jesus name, I renounce their works. In the authority of Jesus Christ, I renounce and destroy everything that they have conceived within me and birthed through me, my husband, my family,  my household, and my ancestors.
In the name of Jesus Christ and by his authority and by the power and protection of his blood, I ask the Holy Spirit to bring to my mind the times I have engaged the flesh that might have been a point of entry for the Incubus and Succubus Spirits, their offspring and seed, the spiritual family, and associated spirits. This includes each and every specific incident in which consent was given, actively or passively, to act sexually in a wrong or misdirected way. I invite you, Lord Jesus, into each incident and I ask you to forgive me, as I understand the evil I engaged in and the inequity that resulted from these activities. (This will take time as you go through each incidence). I receive your forgiveness. I forgive myself for participating in this sin.  Thank you Father for forgiving me. I ask you Jesus to exercise your authority over this and heal the damage that was done to my spirit and to my heart. Restore me through your mercy to your grace. Thank you Jesus.  
Father, in Jesus name, for me, and on behalf of my husband, my family, my household, and my ancestors, I confess and repent and ask your forgiveness for their engagement in this evil and the inequity that resulted.
Father, in Jesus name, for me, and on behalf of my husband, my family, my household, and my ancestors, I confess and repent of this sin that manifested through ungodly soul ties.  I ask your forgiveness for the engagement in this sin and the inequity that resulted.
I confess and repent of my sin and anger against You, God, for allowing this to happen in my life.
I forgive and release my husband, my family, my household, and my ancestors for passing onto me this sin and for the resulting inequity.  
Father, in Jesus name, I bind these spirits with chains from Heaven and lock them with locks that can only be opened by Jesus Christ. I bind them in me, my husband, my family, my household and my ancestors; in our presence, in our dwelling place, and in our land.
I place the Cross of Christ in between the Incubus/Succubus Spirits, their offspring, seed, the spiritual family, the associated spirits AND me,  AND also my husband, AND  also my family, AND also my household, AND also my ancestors. I place the Cross of Christ between me and all ungodly soul ties. I command this sin and inequity to be halted at the Cross of Jesus Christ and for freedom and release to flow down from the Cross of Christ to me, my husband, my family, my household, and also my ancestors.
In the name of Jesus Christ, and with the Sword of the Spirit,  I cut and sever from me, my husband, my family, my household, and my ancestors all unclean and unholy bonds, soul ties, attachments, and silver cords used by all Incubus and Succubus spirits, their offspring and seed, the spiritual family, associated spirits and the work done through them. I sever all soul ties. I command in Jesus name all these severed lines  be burned by the power of the Holy Spirit. Lord, sever these ties and restore the broken or torn portions of our souls.
Lord, destroy anything that has come into me, my husband, my family, and into my ancestors through that which was severed and bring back anything godly that has been stolen from us.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I break the assignment of all Incubus and Succubus spirits, their offspring and seed, the spiritual family, and associated spirits and the work done through them. I ask you, Father, to shut the doors of entry, lock the doors with your holy keys, and seal these doors with the Blood of Jesus Christ.
In Jesus name,  I command these bound spirits to depart and go immediately to the Presence of Jesus Christ.
In the authority of Jesus Christ, I announce that my body and heart is a temple of the Holy Spirit and is not to be used by these spirits. Their use of my body is illegal. In the name of Jesus Christ, and on behalf of my husband, my household, my family, my ancestors, and for myself, I completely and permanently withdraw all active and passive invitations, permissions, and consent. I renounce it forever and by Christ's blood and by the Cross of Christ, every satanic force is stopped from acting through Incubus and Succubus spirits, their offspring and seed, the spiritual family, associated and related spirits against me, my husband, my family, my household, and my ancestors.
In Jesus’ name I come against every active and passive stronghold of the Incubus and Succubus spirits, their offspring and seed, the spiritual family, associated and related spirits; In Jesus' name, I pull down, dismantle, and destroy these strongholds.
In the name of Jesus Christ, and in the authority given to me, and by the position of the cross and the freedom and release it gives, the spiritual transference to me, my husband, my family, my household, and my ancestors of the Incubus and Succubus spirits their offspring and seed, the spiritual family, associated and related spirits is stopped at the Cross of Christ..
In the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of his Blood, I declare the works using the  Incubus and Succubus spirits their offspring and seed, the spiritual family, associated and related spirits by any witch, warlock, wizard, sorcerer, all other powers of darkness, and the works against me, my husband, my family, my household, and my church, are directed to the Cross of Christ and are stopped. 
Father, I bind myself, my sexuality, and my repentance to Jesus Christ; I am sanctified by his blood. I am cleansed. Father, help me reach your highest and best purpose for my life. Thank you Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for breaking this pattern of pestilence from me, my husband, my family, my household, and my ancestry. Thank you Jesus for this deliverance!
I praise your Holy Name!

Recognizing 'spirits' and 'Dealing' With Them - Spiritual Housecleaning:

'Pleasure Spirits' - You Have to Want Them Gone to be Delivered:

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