Saturday, January 15, 2011

Witnessing to Occultists

I recently did a video called "Planting Seeds Among Occultists" (the video appears in this post)... but I wanted to share a few more 'hands on' ways that I've planted seeds on YouTube.

I often get 'friend requests' and 'subs' from occult dabblers on YouTube. I take the same approach as I do with 'Halloween'.... if you want to come to my door, you can find candy AND Jesus!

I absolutely make the most of everyone that steps onto 'my turf' by taking the time to plant seeds for Jesus. I thoughtfully seek the Lord for the best approach that meets them where they are at but without compromising my stance as a follower of Jesus.

Now I'd like to simply share a couple examples of posts I've made to those that have welcomed me as a friend or sub...

This first one is to someone that boasted they were raised as a 'christian', so note how I target that issue, and end with an encouragement to find Truth in the Word of God:

"anyone that comes up some other way is a thief and a robber".... which means... biblical precepts will work no matter what label you put on them.
a 'bad christian' experience doesn't mean the God of the bible is wrong... it means we put man upon a pedestal and them blamed God for our stupidity--- IF we were older. if we were young and suffered abuse... welcome to the real world influenced by a certain fallen angel. if we continue to reject God because of that abuse-- blaming Him, when He clearly says WHY bad things can happen, then the ruler of this world has won. the only way for true peace is to trust in the Words alone... those precepts that works for anyone.... but to go through the gate-- no pasted labels over top, else it's all for loss.

This second one was for a 'self-help' type of guru that specializes in teaching everything to help people but completely void of Jesus; again, I give warning that it's 'same but different' approach has an ending consequence that is worth seeking out:

"anyone that comes up some other way is a thief and a robber".... which means... biblical precepts will work no matter what label you put on them. whether it's 'love, light' or 'the secret' or..... the easiest way to cut thru the slop is to simply go to the source with no man or spirit's commentary or claims as a filter, believing that the bible really is what it says it is. to be open as the bible is opened... to ask, seek and knock and believing that the answer will be given by any means under the heavens.... BUT according to that word. if it's not according to that word but contains's not by Him... and although it 'works' now... the Author says there's only one way... a blessing to understand it now and move in His power now and pass through the door, as opposed to moving in power now and being shut out of the door of eternity.
Truth in Jesus,

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